Jill Epstein, JD
Ms. Epstein will talk about topics of interest to membership, including updates on the following:
- California bills CAMFT is supporting this year
- Texas legislation limiting Texas LMFTs scope of practice relating to diagnosing with the DSM
- New committees (legislative, marketing, managed care) at the state level
Jill Epstein became the Executive Director of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) in May, 2011. CAMFT is an independent professional organization representing the interests of licensed marriage and family therapists. CAMFT has more than 30,000 members, 19 employees and a budget of nearly $5 million.
Prior to joining CAMFT, Ms. Epstein was the Chief Operating Officer of the California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC), an organization created by the California Legislature to develop and implement statewide voluntary certification for massage therapists.
While living in Chicago, Ms. Epstein spent 7 years as the Chief Executive Officer of the Chartered Financial Analysts (CFA) Society of Chicago, the country’s oldest financial analysts’ society and the world’s 6th largest financial analysts’ society. She also served as Chief Operating Officer of Physicians for Responsible Negotiation (PRN), a physicians-only labor organization created by the American Medical Association.
During Ms. Epstein’s 11 years in Washington, DC, she worked for the American Medical Association, the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, and AARP.
Ms. Epstein received her bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor. She received her Juris Doctorate from the American University – Washington College of Law in Washington, DC.
CAMFT is an independent professional organization representing the interests of licensed marriage and family therapists. CAMFT has more than 30,000 members, 19 employees and a budget of nearly $5 million.
8:30-9:00am - Networking, Registration, Breakfast
9:00-9:30am - Membership Meeting,
9:30-10:30am - Speaker Presentation
10:30-11:00am -Structured Networking
11:15 -1:00pm - Board Meeting - Open to all members!
$10 for SFV-CAMFT chapter members
$20 for non SFV-CAMFT chapter members
Early Bird Online Registration Ends June 21
If paying at the door, checks only (NO CASH PLEASE)
Please note new policy...if a phone or online RSVP is not received *before* the event, payment at door will double
to $20 for members & $40 for non-members
Questions? Email Ingrid Oliansky here
(1.5 CE Credit for MFT/LCSW; BBS Provider #PCE 3168)