Membership Meeting with

Debi Frankle LMFT &
Mark Frankle LMFT
This presentation will discuss the symptomology
of grief as it presents across the life span.
The experience and expression of grief changes
throughout the various developmental stages.
In addition to the expression of grief for a particular loss, the grief of past losses also re-emerges as one reconsiders the meaning of their life in the context of changing developmental periods.
An overview of several treatment strategies
for the various developmental stages will be presented
and focus on the common expressions of grief
for the following age categories:
3-5 years
6-12 years
Teens -- ages 13-19 years
Young Adults -- 20-40 years
Middle Aged Adults -- 40-60 years
Older Adults -- 60+ years
Debi Jenkins Frankle, LMFT has been working with grievers and training grief professionals for the last 20 years across the United States and Canada. She is the co-founder of Calabasas Counseling and Grief Recovery Center. Debi is also the founder of the Los Angeles Consortium of Grief Professionals.
Mark Frankle, LMFT has been licensed since 1994
and he has been working in the field of grief and loss since 2000. He is the co-creator of Edu-therapy(tm).
8:30-9:00am - Networking, Registration, Breakfast
9-9:30am - Volunteer Appreciation -
Membership Meeting &
9:30-10:30am - Speaker Presentation
10:30-11am - Structured Networking
11:15 -1pm - Board Meeting ~All Welcome
$10 for SFV-CAMFT chapter members
$20 for non SFV-CAMFT chapter members
Early Bird Online Registration Ends November 1
If paying at the door, checks only (NO CASH PLEASE)
Please note new policy...if a phone or online RSVP is not received *before* the event, payment at door will double to $20 for members & $40 for non-members
Questions? Email
Laura Westmoreland here
(1.5 CE Credit for MFT/LCSW; BBS Provider #PCE 3168)