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Experiential Process Group Event

  • September 17, 2017
  • 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM
  • To be given upon registration


  • Limit of 12 participants

Registration is closed
 "SunMoon Archetype Healing: A New Paradigm"      
with Mary Guillermin, LMFT
The Experiential Process Group is excited to be back! Please join our next experiential, presented by our co-chairs Judith Fraser and Doug Green:

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Common metaphors reveal our intuitive knowledge of Solar and Lunar energies in daily life. We speak of "burn-out" - prolonged over-exertion without restorative rest - and "feeling blue" - a sad, withdrawn mood tending towards depression. Our internal balance between Solar (Active/Doing) and Lunar (At Rest/Being) vitalities will be explored in this experiential workshop. Direct intuitive contact with this inner self knowledge is facilitated through the use of SunMoon SoulCollage® cards, as developed by Mary Guillermin, visualizations of Solar and Lunar Archetypes and dialogue through Gestalt two-chair work. Examples will be given of "diagnosing" imbalances in our own and clients' psyches and creative remedies for out-of-balance Solar activity - rage, over-excitement - and out-of-balance Lunar states - depression, hopelessness - will be shared.
      Mary Guillermin, LMFT Founder of SunMoon Archetype Healing & The Femininity Project, a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, and an accredited Pellin Coach with a Diploma in Contribution Training & Gestalt from the Pellin Institute in London & Italy. Mary has been working with clients for 40 years, both in England and California. She is the owner of the SunMoon Retreat Center in Topanga, CA where she hosts workshops and retreats on SunMoon Archetype Healing in the tranquility of the Santa Monica Mountains. Mary also hosts a Pellin Coaching: LA training course at the Retreat Center, which she co-founded with Peter Fleming, Director of the Pellin Institute, UK. Mary has a special interest in femininity in general, and the Divine Feminine in particular and she is excited about exploring the Solar/Lunar Archetypes with men and women. She considers her Pellin Coaching to be her Left-Brain work and SunMoon Archetype Healing as a conduit for Right Brain work.

This course is intended for beginning to advanced therapists.

Learning Objectives
In successfully completing and attending this meeting,
participants will be able to:
~Define the Solar-Lunar Paradigm and its relationship to a balanced psyche.~
~Explain 3 methods of restoring extreme Solar or Lunar states.~
~Define the primary Solar or Lunar modality of the participant.~
~Identify at least 1 similarity and 1 difference between Solar Masculine/Solar Feminine and Lunar Masculine/Lunar Feminine.~

CEU/Speaker Presentation
Course meets the qualifications for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.
CEU completion certificates will be awarded after participants complete the course evaluation at 3pm.
* = non CEU portion of course
Sherman Oaks
(Address will be given upon registration;
This location is not ADA compliant.)
$25 for SFV-CAMFT
members and non-members
(Limited to 12 participants.)
Contact Judith Fraser here
Contact Doug Green here
View a list of our policies here

Upcoming Events
View our calendar here
The next Experiential Process SIGs will be in October and November.

CAMFT-Approved Continuing Education Provider #62281
SFV-CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for Marriage & Family Therapists. SFV-CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.



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