Membership Meeting

with Debi Jenkins Frankle, LMFT
"Family Grief: How You Can Help Clients Navigate Grief Tsunamis Together"
When a loved one in the family dies, all family members are grieving, and they all need support HOWEVER it is very difficult for them to be able to support each other. Each person in the family had a unique relationship with the loved one who died. Each person has their own way of grieving because developmental stages and personality are specific and unique for each person. The grieving dynamic is similar, and interventions can work for other losses as well: loss of relationship, loss of job, loss of health, etc.
Learning Objectives
In successfully completing and attending this presentation, participants will be able to:
Identify at least three barriers families may face while healing together.
Explain how unfinished business can complicate the ability for each person in the family to support each other.
Discuss 3 ways to address the family divides in order to bring more unity.
Debi Jenkins Frankle, LMFT is a Grief Recovery Specialist and has been working with grievers for over 25 years. She and husband, Mark Frankle are the co-founders of the Calabasas Counseling and Grief Recovery Center. Debi is the founder of the Los Angeles Consortium of Grief Professionals (aka Private Practice Grief) Workshops and Trainings for Mental Health Professionals as well as the FB group for therapists: Private Practice Grief. Debi's areas of expertise are grief, trauma, medical family therapy, and emotional effects of chronic illness. Debi has led trainings for grief counseling professionals throughout the United States and Canada, in addition to presenting for CAMFT (California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists), SFV-CAMFT and various organizations throughout Los Angeles. Debi is a past president of SFV-CAMFT, past committee co-chair of the Crisis Response Network for SFV-CAMFT and a member of the Association for Death Education (ADEC) and American Academy of Bereavement (AAB).
Sunday, September 8, 2019
8:30am-9am Registration/Networking/
Continental Breakfast*
9am-9:30am Membership Meeting/
Chapter Announcements*
9:30-11am CEU/Speaker Presentation
11am-11:15am Member Announce-
ments/Opportunity Drawing*
11:15am-11:30am CEU Certificate
11:30am-1:30pm Board Meeting ~
All Welcome!*
This course is intended for beginning to advanced mental health professionals.
Course meets the qualifications for 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CEU completion certificates will be awarded when participants complete the course evaluation after speaker presentation.
* = non CEU portion of course
Woodland Hills Country Club (Grand Ballroom)
21150 Dumetz Road Woodland Hills, CA 91364
The Country Club does not allow denim. This location is ADA compliant.
SFV-CAMFT chapter members
$15 (online until Sunday prior to event 11:59pm) /
$25 (online week of event or walk-ins)
Non chapter members
$25 (online until Sunday prior to event 11:59pm) /
$35 (online week of event or walk-ins)
$20 (STUDENTS ONLY - online until day before event 11:59pm)
No phone or email RSVP.
No cash or check, credit card only (we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover).
Email us for Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, and Santa Clarita Valley chapter reciprocity.
To Register: Please click on the register button at the top-left. If you are not logged in yet and are a member of our chapter, please be sure to log in here first.
Questions? Contact our VP of Membership here
Grievances? Contact our President here
Accommodations? Contact our Hospitality Chair here
Policies: View a list of our policies here
CAMFT-approved Continuing Education Provider #62281
SFV-CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. SFV-CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.