Membership Meeting
Note: This meeting has been moved to Zoom.

with Darrin Ford, LMFT, CSAT-S, MBAT-S
"The Clinical Application of Mindfulness-Based Recovery for Pornography Addiction"
This presentation will define what pornography addiction is and is not. It will discuss the impact of pornography addiction on the individual and relationships. It will provide a non-biased, science-based focus. During the presentation the audience will also be introduced to the origins of mindfulness both in the West and East as well as research supporting mindfulness-based treatment of pornography addiction. There will be an experiential activity as well as neurological brain scan data presented. The presentation will also discuss the impact of pornography use on minority communities such as the LGBTQ community as well as how past discrimination complicates treatment of pornography addition in this community. Included will be personable stories and arguments made on how neural plasticity and compassion-based interventions affect the body and treatment. Clear science-based evidence will be presented displaying the correlational relationship between mindfulness-based focus and the reduction of impulsive reactivity. A clear definition of what mindfulness is will be presented as well and what it is not. The key principals of mindfulness will also be shared. The presentation discusses the impact pornography addiction has had on our society in general.
Learning Objectives
In successfully completing and attending this presentation, participants will be able to:
Identify 3 causes of the current explosion of pornography use in our society.
- Give clear definition of pornography addiction.
- Describe 3 ways that pornography addiction affects partners of addicts.
- Describe 3 mindfulness bases interventions for the treatment of addiction.
Darrin Ford, LMFT, CSAT-S, MBAT-S is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and certified by The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists as a Clinical Supervisor of Associate Therapists. As co-founder of Sano Center for Recovery, he has integrated mindfulness into the treatment of those struggling with addiction. He has also worked mentoring therapists in the utilization of mindfulness and the development of their private practice. In addition Darrin is a nationally recognized speaker, founder of Sano Press LLC, and an internationally published author. His books include,"Awakening from the Sexually Addictive Mind: A Compassionate Guide to Recovery," co-author to "Transforming the Addictive Mind," and co-author to "The Recovery Coach Client Handbook."
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Sunday, April 19, 2020
9am-9:15am Check-In/Networking*
9:15am-9:30am Meeting Updates/Chapter Announcements*
9:30am-11am CEU/Speaker Presentation
11am-11:15am Questions for Speaker*
11:15am-11:30am Break*
11:30am-1:30pm Board Meeting*
This course is intended for beginning to advanced mental health professionals.
Course meets the qualifications for 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CEU completion certificates will be awarded when participants complete the course evaluation after speaker presentation.
* = non CEU portion of course
Woodland Hills Country Club (Grand Ballroom)
21150 Dumetz Road Woodland Hills, CA 91364
The Country Club does not allow denim. This location is ADA compliant.
This meeting has been moved to Zoom.
SFV-CAMFT chapter members
$15 (online until April 14 at 11:59pm)
Non chapter members
$25 (online until April 14 at 11:59pm)
$20 (STUDENTS ONLY - online until day before event 11:59pm)
No phone or email RSVP.
No cash or check, credit card only (we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover).
Email us for Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, and Santa Clarita Valley chapter reciprocity.
To Register: Please click on the register button at the top-left. If you are not logged in yet and are a member of our chapter, please be sure to log in here first.
Questions? Contact our VP of Membership here
Grievances? Contact our President here
Accommodations? Contact our Hospitality Chair here
Policies: View a list of our policies here
CAMFT-approved Continuing Education Provider #62281
SFV-CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs. SFV-CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.