Membership Meeting

with Patricia (Patty) Gieselman, LMFT
"Emotion Regulation and
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)"
Note: Presented on Zoom.
Do you work with people who struggle with emotions that get in the way of effective problem solving or create problems in their relationships? Do your clients go from crisis to crisis preventing them from developing effective coping skills or achieving their important goals? Have you ever unintentionally gotten caught up in the storm of BIG emotions and noticed your own reactions getting in the way? Oftentimes, big emotions show up in the midst of challenge, pain or conflict, and can lead to behaviors that make things worse unintentionally. This brief workshop offers an introduction to the assumptions, strategies, and skills of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), currently considered one of the gold standard treatment protocols for people who struggle with regulating their emotions and the unintended consequences that often follow. For both professionals and recipients of services, DBT offers SKILLS to accept things we cannot change and SKILLS to effectively make difficult changes when needed. Take away some useful DBT tools to identify, understand, & dial down big emotions when they walk into the room. Increase your own effectiveness to respond to BIG emotions rather than react.
Goals: Introduction to an evidence-based treatment that is effective in reducing suicide, self-harm, hospitalizations, and emotional dysregulation that interfere with individual’s quality of life; Increase clinical skills for treating symptoms of emotion dysregulation; Pique interest for clinicians to learn more about how to provide comprehensive DBT.
Learning Objectives
In successfully completing and attending this presentation, participants will be able to:
- Describe at least 1 consequence of an invalidating environment in relation to difficulties with emotional regulation.
- Describe how DBT skills and strategies can both prevent and treat problem behaviors resulting from difficulties in regulating emotions.
- Identify the 4 primary DBT skills modules and how they can assist people in having more control over their immediate emotional and behavioral responses.
- Identify and practice 3 skills drawn from DBT to teach clients how they can regulate emotions in order to improve clinical problem solving.
Patricia (Patty) Gieselman, LMFT is a DBT-Linehan Board of Certification, Certified Clinician™. She has received extensive training and clinical supervision in doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). She provides extensive training and clinical supervision to students and clinicians in DBT (see resume). She is the Founder and Executive Director of Choices Counseling & Skills Center which provides comprehensive (DBT) service for adults, adolescents, children and their families. She has been providing mental health services to the Southern California community throughout her career. Patty and her team have over 20 years of DBT experience and believe wholeheartedly in “doing what works.” Ms. Gieselman trains mental health professionals as a provider of continuing education courses for the California Association of Marriage & Family Therapists (CAMFT), Board of Registered Nursing and the California Psychological Association and has been an adjunct instructor for local universities. She has been an invited trainer both nationally and internationally. Patty is well known for her practical yet often whimsical approach to teaching and problem solving.
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Sunday, July 11, 2021
8:45am-9am Check-In*
9am-9:30am Membership Meeting/
Chapter Announcements*
9:30-11am CEU/Speaker Presentation
11am-11:15am Opportunity Drawing/
Private Practice Announcements*
11:15am-11:30am Break*
11:30am-1:30pm Board Meeting*
This course is intended for beginning to advanced mental health professionals.
Course meets the qualifications for 1.5 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. CEU completion certificates will be awarded when participants complete the course evaluation after speaker presentation.
* = non CEU portion of course
Online via Zoom. See registration message - below.
Registration to Zoom meetings is now a 2 step process.
The first link to the Zoom meeting will be sent in confirmation email.
$15 SFV-CAMFT chapter members (online , including day of event)
$25 Non chapter members (online, including day of event)
$20 (STUDENTS ONLY - (online, including day of event)
No phone or email RSVP.
No cash or check, credit card only (we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover).
Email us for Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, and Santa Clarita Valley chapter reciprocity.
To Register: Please click on the register button at the top-left. At the completion of (and paying for the event), you will receive the first of 2 links in a confirmation e-mail. 1). Click-on this 'link' and you will be pre-registered for the event. You will then receive another 'link'. 2). On the day of the event - click on the new link and you will be connected to the event.
If you are not logged in yet and are a member of our chapter, please be sure to log in here first.
Questions? Contact our VP of Membership here
Grievances? Contact our President here
Accommodations? Contact our Hospitality Chair here
Policies: View a list of our policies here
Refund Policy
Requests for refunds must be in writing and received by SFV-CAMFT before one week prior to the event. A $2 administrative fee will be deducted for cancellation of a paid event, through the cancellation deadline. There will be no refunds on requests received after one week prior to the event. The President has discretion to issue refunds that do not comply with the policy. To request a refund, email
SFV-CAMFT is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for Marriage & Family Therapists. SFV-CAMFT maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content.
CAMFT- approved Continuing Education Provider #62281