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SFV-CAMFT Board and Committee Reimbursement Policy

Accepted: March 6, 2016
Updated: November 8, 2020

All agreements of obligation must be executed by the President, Past President or CFO. 

Changes in Reimbursement Policy 

Any change in the “SFV-CAMFT Board and Committee Reimbursement Policy” which could result in a significant increase in benefits to any member of the Board shall require a three-quarters (3/4) vote of the Board and will not take effect until the February Board meeting (the new Board year). 

Chapter Leadership Conference 

The policy for expense reimbursement for the Chapter Leadership Conference for official chapter business is as follows: 

  1. Transportation—lowest airfare available (in years of Conference being held in Northern California) or the automobile mileage reimbursement permitted by IRS (in years of Conference being held in Southern California), whichever is lower and/or most reasonable means of travel. Note: Board members extending their trip to Northern California are responsible for any additional cost in airfare over the base price of the regular ticket for Friday and Saturday travel.
  2. SFV-CAMFT will cover one (1) night of hotel expenses (room and tax only; incidental charges will be borne by the board member)  This will cover a Friday night stay as conference is typically a Friday and Saturday event.
  3. SFV-CAMFT will provide reasonable parking fees at airport and transportation to/from the airport at destination when accompanied by receipts. Carpooling and use of free hotel shuttles is strongly encouraged.
  4. Up to $30 for one meal will be permitted per board member.  All additional board member expenses, including meals, in transit to/from the Chapter Leadership Conference, or while at the event will be the responsibility of the board member as some meals will be included as part of the conference. 
  5. Any additional expenses must receive prior approval from the President, Past President, and CFO.  This may include a group meal that is charged to the chapter. 

Board Member Attendance at Annual Conference and Fall Symposium 

SFV-CAMFT provides expenses for up to three board member’s attendance at the Annual Conference and up to two board members attendance at the Fall Symposium (no one board member may attend more than one conference within two calendar years) to be reimbursed as follows: 

  1. Early-bird registration fees
  2. SFV-CAMFT will cover up to three (3) nights of hotel expenses for the Annual Conference and as many as two (2) nights of hotel expenses for the Fall Symposium (room and tax only; incidental charges and meals will be borne by the board member). Some meals will be included as part of the conference registration.
  3. Transportation—lowest airfare available (when attending an event in Northern California) or the automobile mileage reimbursement permitted by IRS (when attending an event in Southern California), whichever is lower and/or most reasonable means of travel, parking fees at airport, and reasonable transportation to/from the airport. The CAMFT Conference is usually held at a hotel with shuttle service from the nearest airport, which is strongly encouraged as the method of transportation when flying. 
  4. The Board members chosen to attend the Annual CAMFT Conference and Fall Symposium is based on the first person who meets the following criteria: President, President-Elect, Past President, then in descending order of most consecutive years of service on the SFV-CAMFT board.  If two members have same years of service the priority will be given to the position higher up on the presidential succession list.

Reimbursement Procedures 

All reimbursements must be requested on reimbursement forms with appropriate documentation: receipts, ticket stubs, invoices, etc. 

All requests for reimbursement must be submitted within 45 days of the conclusion of the event. No reimbursements will be processed after that date.

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